Manual Rosetta Stone error 1141
Installing Rosetta Stone may cause the error 1141 when the firewall ZoneAlarm is installed
In our test environment we had the following versions:
- Rosetta Stone Version 4
- ZoneAlarm
The previous solution was to uninstall ZoneAlarm completely. However, this shouldn't be the final solution.
A small adjustment can help to be able to use both the firewall and RosettaStone. Proceed as follows:
- Open ZoneAlarm
- Click Firewall "Show Details" (see Fig. 1)
- In the field Basic Firewall then click on "Settings" (see Fig. 2)
- In the lower area you will now find "Advanced Settings" (see Fig. 3)
- Now deselect the "Enable IPv6 networking" (see Fig. 4)
- You will be prompted to restart. Then RosettaStone should run.